Tuesday, December 29, 2009
well now. got my rolling around done. bought some tool parts. now I will break down another air nail gun hopefully to make repair. my big one. there was some fat rain now it has become snow. fat snow. the Texas kind. super roper is coming on now so I got to turn it up. car car is so fast. if it will pass inspection I might drive it to the south lands. not sure. left my lights on at the store and the keys in the ignition. bummer. so I reached in my wallet and got the backup key and got underway. vroom vroom. then I wanted to race. well; had to get home before the fat snow. made it just in time. trying to sell the dune buggy. one guy wants to buy it but keep it at my house. no good, I need the room in the shed for motor work. 'stang. more later
Thursday, December 24, 2009
and that is after the evening meal. the guy shot me some big O muffins on the house. I had salmon. tim is running tomorrow. the snow is already an inch on the truck. still coming down. the windshield on the car coming home was icing up fierce. mom gave me too much for christmas, a krugerand. what a deal. I will lock it away. happy merry
Thursday, December 17, 2009
well; how about that. put in a new flat screen t v today. the bracket was 350 duckies. wowsers. worked out well. now I wish I took a picture. just a little bit left to do. I asked rick why I get all the hard jobs. he said I think you know. with out help from above I couldn't do it. and now monday another tough deal. french doors in an existing opening and they did allow as to it was not square and so that will be an interesting day. I've already got the magic wand on the truck but I might need my magic hat so I can pull a rabbit out. hopefully he can help me out with the cuts.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
well, cold here. 2 days ago it was in the upper 60's. today is below freezing. on the 2 good days had a battle with the fire ants. my first weapon was boiling water. then after more stings there was only one thing to do. yes, fight fire with fire. their losses were high. after the water thing the next day they bring their dead up and stack them, I counted at least 30 queens in the 1 mound. I have my new year resolution. got some banking to do.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
ha! now I can say I own 2 d v d's. yes its true. the last waltz , and stop making sense. wow. been a long time in the making. oh wait I have cartoon classics. my bad, so that is 3. I'll have to build a rack for them. cold weather hurt my banana trees. I suppose that is alright. just got to cut them back now.
Monday, November 30, 2009
but that is with my winter clothes on. what a day. I made special shoe mold. then I curved it, modified a transition strip. sculpted a column base to fit curvy stuff. that was after I ate pear. then I stole comics from braums. they all saw me do it. no one cared. milk in hand jumped back into blue rocket and made my get away. 259 pennys lighter in the pocket. so this is an unfinished view. the granite is not in place. rather exciting. I should have taken more pics. my bad.
Friday, November 27, 2009
just hanging out. waiting for the sun to warm the world. hope I have enough wood for my turkey. best round it all up. pecan for sure. turkey day was nice. got my favorite pie.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

went to see dad today, his b-day. made pretty good today. less then 2 hours and 80 duckies in pocket. went and looked at 2 more jobs. got home and counted all the duckies in my wallet. they must be having printing party's, at night. I don't know what is going on. washingtons grow jacksons grow and the franklins; my goodness. what to do. even the grants are beginning to perplex me. I guess I'm just forgetful. that would explain it. had a great day. rush my friend and I had a bunch of laughs. he hangs stuff in T G I F 's all over the world. he started off as a bus boy. worked his way up. a beautiful house. old style. the best tools a person could want. very wonderful. time to rest.
Monday, November 23, 2009
big feed today. got my markers today. design is getting close. all is good. still working with I pod. haven't given it a true name yet. went to buy a transmiter for it but they jumped the price 20 duckies so no go. still looking. time to rest
Sunday, November 22, 2009
yep. that's right. went down the street; gambling. I tend to win. I bring my own Penney's my own die or cards. no one losses more than a dollar; I see to that. one guy bet 20 duckies, I knew I could take him so I changed the bet to a pecan and a whiskey cap. i knew he had that so really no one lost money. I won. didn't need his money. had a game going with another friend. a plastic clothes pin was on the line. they backed down. I really wanted that clothes pin.
20 lbs too much in my estimation. maybe I should get another dog, but no. cats have adopted me. they like pearls dog house. 2 of them that I can count. not sure of gender. time to find a project or the t v will capture me. as emily once said I know I'm o k because my heart is beeping.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

wow with all the eating I did I'm down. I think I have the Z T worked out. trouble with locating the fabric markers. I find crayola here and there. tomorrow I see mom. maybe the T shirt tzar at knon. that might B fun. house painting soon. going to be a slim end of the year. I guess I can find something to sell. hope
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

with shoes on. got shot out of work today. so I took myself out to red lobster for a treat. highly over priced I know. a guy came up and said when he retires he will grow face hair like mine. didn't realize so many people couldn't choose. that's twice in a short while. what to do tomorrow, that is the ?. I guess I will wake up, seems sensible. trying to design a T shirt. need inspiration. some thing with a Z.
Friday, November 13, 2009
it's Friday. at last. no work all week. so sad. found some old pics of my kids. baby's they were. I also found a bunch of wild spider lillys, might go dig them up. they add sparkle to the day. the small pleasures. that is what counts. maybe I can push myself out of the house again saturday. wouldn't hurt me none. got to find more pics
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009

and so a new day starts. went out in the middle of the night. came in and then found a spider on the floor. I did walk through a web. so I have captured it can't get a picture of it since it hides. I think it is a crab spider. hardly slept at all last night. I'm going to order an Ipod today. buy pez display racks. it is a good deal.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

what a day. I was able to fix not just one but 2 of my air nailers. never done that before. very nice. one had a broken driver, the other needed a gasket. now I'm ready for work tomorrow. I'm going to line closets with a cedar lining. going to be a hot day but I have my fan. I got a check today! what fun. and so the day winds down. time for good music to relax or perhaps the three stooges from hulu. me and all my men. I need an ipod for that radio there. should be big fun. guess I'll order one from apple store.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009

hello is there any body in there. no influx of cash, shucks. check out my retro radio. seriously, check it out. I can equip it with an I-pod. super cool. work was hard this week. I lived so I'm tougher. going to see em soon. soon will be fall. check the air in your tires when the weather changes. twice a year.
Monday, September 7, 2009

yep. almost ready for tomorrow. a 2 G panic bar for a pharmacy. should be interesting. friday night the neighbors threw down with a party, no rest for me. I called the police at 1 a m. my other neighbor called them at 1:30 and at 2 something. I'm so tired. then saturday night almost the same thing. different neighbor. maybe I can sleep tonight. found some pics today. my kids. check it out. almost 8, time for bed.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
o k then. got some rain. getting up at 4:30 is kinda strange. almost got both bars done. crazy mess is what it is. blue rocket is making the craziest sound. I think it is the clutch fan. and so tomorrow I buy the crown for the bars. that means free coffee and all I want. strong stuff at this lumber yard. oh and if I'm early enough a blueberry doughnut. my fav. ? remains what ever shall I do with all of the excess columns? and this is it for tonight. note, there 2 different bars.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
oh so it begins. had a relatively good week. got a cool hat. free. I sure hate the color they will put on my stairs. so a few pics today. then a little yard work for me. the darkness is how they will do it. ugly. and there are my tomatoes. again I ask how is it chicken can eat all the time and not get fat in the face?
Friday, July 17, 2009
no weight
oh knon is throwing down. I fixed a router. a strategic blow with my palm and all is good. I should have known it was the brushes. well I took them out and put them back in, but I forgot to smack it. now i'm ready to cut circles. got to make column bases. one mexican at work is so nice. he's a big guy. taller than me. willing to learn. and so now I give you watermelon heart by brave combo. file:///Users/richardskeene/Desktop/15%20Watermelon%20Heart.mp3
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
another day at the salt mine. a new guy was brought in. I cut up over 300 feet of trim and he nailed it. got the design on the bar stuff. wow. another opportunity to shine. so tonight I try to work out a plan. this could be fun. 1600 duckies in columns. special order. getting up early is strange. next week I should be able to get finished pics of the stairs.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
what a day. air quality so bad. when I went outside I got dizzy. no fun. did get some rain to complicate matters. I don't see daylight on the job yet. but now I'm getting special treatment. nice. blue rocket doesn't like dallas, niether do I. abetter pic later. ther is a hidden item in plane view. can you find it?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
an amazing day. I was worried about the stair rail. some oddities there but it worked out. I was amazed. I have to give our good lord the credit because I made a mistake and somehow he fixed it. what a blessing. the rail is in the air. I've been trying to hide my mistake now it will look like I'm a pro. actually the guys put the rail in a hot spot and I'm not sure how much it was effected. like the A- team. I love it when a plan comes together. so tomorrow I get pics. if the guys would stay out of the way I could make some progress.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
been busy. the stairs are taking up my time. got the rail bent and unclamped. success is looming in the distance. lots of sanding to do. the guys on the job are nice. miguel is funny. he keeps looking over my shoulder and gets me diet coke from the resteraunt. I thank him for it but don't drink it. its free there. lived through the t v switch. one t v has 37 channels. another 31, the next 33. pretty cool. so here some pics. I'll set the bottom tread monday. I need new shoes.
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