Tuesday, December 29, 2009


well now. got my rolling around done. bought some tool parts. now I will break down another air nail gun hopefully to make repair. my big one. there was some fat rain now it has become snow. fat snow. the Texas kind. super roper is coming on now so I got to turn it up. car car is so fast. if it will pass inspection I might drive it to the south lands. not sure. left my lights on at the store and the keys in the ignition. bummer. so I reached in my wallet and got the backup key and got underway. vroom vroom. then I wanted to race. well; had to get home before the fat snow. made it just in time. trying to sell the dune buggy. one guy wants to buy it but keep it at my house. no good, I need the room in the shed for motor work. 'stang. more later

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