Tuesday, December 30, 2008
how 'out them cowgirls? had a good day on the truck yesterday. got all the injector lines on. now to prime it and put the peripherals back on. this should greatly improve my fuel economy. the filter was filthy. get that done, give it a lube job and the blue rocket will be good to hook. I'm shopping for a t.v. I think the highway is calling me. it might mean a road trip. time will tell. I think I shall go pawn shopping today after I get the truck started. should be fun. like that song by guy clark I think it is. just "let the old pick-up truck; wander around." pics later
Saturday, December 27, 2008
morning came early as usual. had some success on the truck yesterday. all the O-rings are in place. now for the injector lines. a good once over and truck truck alias [the blue rocket] will be ready to race again. did everyone check their tire pressure? the proper amount should be listed on a sticker on the drivers door or the door post. don't forget to lube the chassis either. that is if you love your vehicle. don't forget the spare. read the tire for correct pressure. that is all the wisdom I have to impart at this time. teus or wed I'll get finished pictures of the stairs. wait 'till you see the runners in place. the first pic is the truck engine, the 2nd is wisteria, the 3rd is a peony brought down from yankee land [uncle rays gift]. it's ALIVE. I plan on going to an empty piece of property and grabbing a bunch of spider lily plants. got them scoped out.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

wow, had a huge feed at the pawn shop, it shows huh. the heater experiment went bust. I got my pan back. I may try to make huge molded stars out of it. it was covered up for years and years. I have my proto made. just have to enlarge. should be fun. I shopped big tvs today and navigation systems. shoes too. nice weather coming up. got a little present from mom.
and emy found a part of fritz not messed up. the old fritz. we found 2 frisbee golf discs. and ther you have it. that's all I got people.
Monday, December 22, 2008
well I can see I failed at the poll thing I posted. it was supposed to have that picture on there to vote for. I have to work on that and if you look at the pic scroll down and that is the subject of the post. I didn't
think it got posted. I made up new choices for votes.
think it got posted. I made up new choices for votes.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

wow been packing on the pounds. ok, so I don't know how to do what I want so I shall improvise. this is the question I pose. who is this. buddha; ghandi; CLS; flying monkey; grand master flash; coolness incarnate; all of the above; something completely different. poll will close when I say so. I usually don't use that word much. let's go shopping for photos. the upper photos show what kind of fun you can have with no money and no brain. if you notice there is not a complete chimney. and that compmetes or lesson for today. thank you LL
Friday, December 19, 2008
what a day. just goofing off. wore my new gravity shirt and my charlie one horse straw. made some people smile. banked. and more goofing off. that was my day. well, I forgot about driving like I own the road. I gave it back though. too big to keep in the house. the christmas party was nice. that's all I got.
and so it looks like I made a successful download of popeye. watch his eyes.
and so it looks like I made a successful download of popeye. watch his eyes.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
snow today. really it was just freezing fog. 30 degrees at 5 pm. not so cool. too cold to go out and start a fire. got invited to the company Christmas swaurae. I mean party. been at home all day. shopping online didn't go so well. didn't buy a thing. had my eye on a router base plate for 6 duckies. great deal. and a rip guide for 11. wanted a laser pointer. too much controversy on that front. got to separate wants from needs. got to get with my man and see which brand he prefers. batts are the big contending factor in this. so I guess wed and thur I'll turn my efforts toward bringing truck truck back up. my laundry is frozen on the line, forgot to bring it in. who am I kidding I just didn't do it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
and so I have some pics for you. it is 2 different stair wells. same job. I've got to work on the truck this weekend. it will turn cold monday afternoon. and so here we go. look at the tight fit at the riser. you can see a before in previous post. I get to perform more magic today. a window wrap. got an idea on how to make it easy. I love short cuts. very cool. time to get creative. got a job to complete. excuse me
Thursday, December 11, 2008
well I finished the stairs today and the lady wants me to do more. now the kitchen window. cha-ching. happy happy. but just one more day; maybe. car car is wild. put a little redline fuel additive and whoa look out. to tired to post pics tonight but I made them. going to try to shine like a diamond tomorrow. nay I shall shine like a diamond and for a special treat, I'm going to davids and get a good feed. wish he had a good bean recipe. thats all he needs. maybe monday is off. go to carollton and buy stuff. maybe even a thimble. needing a rip guide and an arbor nut. plus another thing I forgot the name for. chip gaurd or something. got 3 on order. and so maybe in the morning I'll post pics. time to rest.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

wow! I goofed off all morning yesterday. watched bonanza. got to work about noon. put down all the stair treads with risers. plan your work; work your plan. a motto to live by. it snowed 10 miles from here last night. i'll have pics tonight of the stairs. so cold. 30 outside. 60 inside. brrrrr. I'm going to freeze at work today. this is the time of year that is real tuff. go in to measure go out to cut. not as bad as outer space. in the sun the temp is 250. in the shadow is negative 250. so as the astronaught rotates in space there is a 500 degree change in temp. perfect place for a sterling engine though I'm not sure if they can do it. it is the closest thing we know to a perpetual motion machine. oh the temp went down to 29. maybe I'll watch bonanza again. well got to goof off for awhile now.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
well truck project is 2 times as hard as I thought. I already thought it was twice what I believed so that makes it 4 times over. doable still. pacing my self. satisfied myself with cleaning the air filter and isolating gear. may run out of hose. not the stocking kind. that turbo is the spoiler. covers up so much. got the peripherals removed. going to do the hardest first. then it gets easier. oh it is going to run so well. the air filter was so clogged. a K and N filter, one of the best made. got it soaking. pics to come. made a great soup today. yum, or num num. what did the fish say when it ran into a concrete wall?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
what a day. cut all the stair treads and it was wonderful. I tried a new system with my newest saw blade. wow is it easy or what? anybody could do it. the longer I do this the easier it gets. I kinda sorta like my new saw. its new I'll leave it at that. tomorrow is sanding and sanding. I'll be called dusty after that. then friday I may modify an entertainment center. every one wants the new flat screens. and they don't fit in the old cabinets. so that will be interesting. my forte; operating like a surgeon. a professional cut up. that's what I do. so now time for rest.
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