wow! I goofed off all morning yesterday. watched bonanza. got to work about noon. put down all the stair treads with risers. plan your work; work your plan. a motto to live by. it snowed 10 miles from here last night. i'll have pics tonight of the stairs. so cold. 30 outside. 60 inside. brrrrr. I'm going to freeze at work today. this is the time of year that is real tuff. go in to measure go out to cut. not as bad as outer space. in the sun the temp is 250. in the shadow is negative 250. so as the astronaught rotates in space there is a 500 degree change in temp. perfect place for a sterling engine though I'm not sure if they can do it. it is the closest thing we know to a perpetual motion machine. oh the temp went down to 29. maybe I'll watch bonanza again. well got to goof off for awhile now.
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